Hospice Care for Veterans

Serving those who served us

In 2001, the Department of Veterans Affairs established their Hospice and Palliative Care Initiative which created a national network of end-of-life care advocates for our veterans. This program ensures our nation’s veterans receive the best end-of-life care and their families also receive extraordinary support. Hospice of East Texas is honored to be the only hospice in our region certified as a National Hospice-Veteran Partnership Program, and we take the trust afforded us by our veterans seriously.

Our entire staff is involved with honoring each veteran who is admitted onto our service. In addition to having veteran recognition in their room at HomePlace, when the veteran leaves HomePlace for the last time, our staff fills the hallways of HomePlace with hands on our hearts; recognizing the sacrifices made by our veterans and their families. The flag of the military branch in which they served covers their body and will be flown at half-staff for several days. Our Home Care veterans also receive certificates of recognition, their branch flag and lapel pin for their faithful service to our country and as always, our chaplains are continuously available to stand beside every veteran and family.

Veterans took an oath to serve our country and our oath is to allow every person to pass with honor, grace and dignity. It is what we do; and what we do well.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hospice Care for Veterans

Q: Am I eligible for hospice care as a veteran?

A: There are several components in determining eligibility for Veterans hospice care. The following are the main criteria for determining eligibility:

  1. You must have served in the United States military and have not been dishonorably discharged.
  2. The Veteran must be enrolled in the VA health care system.
  3. Diagnosed with a terminal illness with a life expectancy of 6-months or less.
  4. The Veteran must make the choice for comfort focused hospice care versus curative treatment.

The Hospice of East Texas is a member of the National Hospice-Veteran Partnership Program.   

Q: What are the benefits of hospice care for veterans?

A: The Hospice of East Texas provides compassionate care for the Veteran while providing emotional support for the Veteran and family. Whether receiving care in home or in our facilities Veterans and their families are treated with respect and dignity.

Q: What services are included in hospice care for veterans?
  1. Pain and symptoms management to ensure comfort.
  2. 24-Hour access to the care team.
  3. Counseling and emotional support for the Veteran and family.
  4. Access to care teams with experience in honoring the service our Veterans have provided to our country.
Q: As a Veteran, can I receive hospice care at home?

A: Yes, Veterans can receive hospice care in the comfort of their homes, VA medical centers and nursing homes.

Q: What if a veteran doesn’t have insurance or other financial resources?

A: The cost for hospice care is typically provided to Veterans at no cost to them or their families.

Q: Are there grief counseling or bereavement services for veteran families?

A: The Hospice of East Texas provides support from the moment their loved one is under our care. We also provide emotional and grief support going forward in a variety of ways. You can visit our Emotional Support page for more information or give us a call at 903-266-3400.

Our expert, compassionate care is provided wherever you call home.

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