The Gift Project
Giving Instructions for Tomorrow
At the core of our mission is “to enhance the quality of life for individuals facing life-limiting illnesses”. The GIFT Project is crucial in accomplishing that mission. This workshop supports and guides individuals in making important health decisions for themselves rather than leaving children, spouses or other loved ones to grapple unprepared with unfamiliar situations.
When your doctors and loved ones know your wishes in advance, there will be more time and energy to spend with each other, enjoying the things that make you happy and that are valuable to you.
82% of people say it’s important to put their wishes in writing. Only 23% of people have done so.

“Many people don’t know they can take responsibility for their end-of-life decisions and communicate that – as parents this is a GIFT we can give our children.” Artis Newsome Board Director, The Hospice of East Texas

“People miss opportunities to take advantage of sacred moments when adult children are uninformed about end-of-life care.” Stacy Sanders Director of Chaplain Services and Bereavement, The Hospice of East Texas
The GIFT Project is a Workshop
Led by a Chaplain and a Nurse to guide, prepare and support families in having these important conversations with each other. Letting those closest to you know what you would choose ensures:
- Your family and physicians know exactly what you want.
- Emotional relief for your children, spouse and other loved ones from having to make difficult decisions alone or negotiate them with the family.
- Your loved ones will have more time and energy with you and each other rather than grappling unprepared with unfamiliar situations.
The workshop is provided to your organization or place of business. We recommend scheduling up to two hours to take full advantage of the benefits. Ideally, the time will include a meal or time of refreshments. The GIFT Project is well-suited for breakfast, lunch or coffee gatherings. Sponsorships for hospitality are available.

Your Conversation Starter Guide
How to talk about what matters to you and have a say in your health care.
Communication is the single most important step in health care planning.
Making your wishes known is one of the most generous gifts you can give to a loved one. When you’re ready to have the conversation, think about the basics:
- Who do you want to talk to?
- Who do you trust to speak for you?
- When would be a good time to talk – the next big holiday, a family meal, an evening phone call?
- Where would you feel comfortable talking – at the kitchen table, a restaurant, on a drive or walk?
- What do you want to be sure to say?

Conversation Starters
I love you and I want to talk about something important to me.
I need your help with something.
I was remembering the way [Aunt June] died, and it got me thinking…
Even though I’m okay right now, I want to be prepared.
I need to think about the future. Will you help me?
I just answered some questions about how I want the end of my life to be. I want you to see my answers, and I’m wondering what your answers would be.

Connect with us to schedule your workshop!
Give the GIFT of: Time, Peace of Mind, Confidence in Decisions, Hope and A Plan For The Future
A Community Service of
4111 University Blvd
Tyler, Texas 75703