Advanced care planning
Advance Care Planning (ACP) is a broad term that covers the many aspects of healthcare planning.
The goal of Advance Care Planning is focused on helping the patient and family make healthcare decisions and discuss them with their healthcare provider prior to a crisis occurring. It is in addition to advance directives, powers of attorney, or do not resuscitate forms.
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Articles of interest
The links below are to articles that Hospice of East Texas staff has read and hope that they will be both informative and helpful to anyone interested in learning more about palliative care and hospice care.
“How to help a grieving friend” – first posted on Huffington Post
“The Day I’ll Finally Stop Grieving” – John Pavlovitz
“Stifled Grief: How the West has it Wrong”
“A doctor discovers an important question patients should be asked”, published at
“What is it like to ‘hold space’ for people” by Heather Plett
“Love is Forever: A Children’s Book that Helps Kids Deal with Losing a Loved One” by Maria Popova
“The Joy of Old Age. No Kidding.” by Oliver Sacks published at NY Times online