Hope Blooms
Thank you for your steadfast support of The Hospice of East Texas and Hope Blooms. Because of you, we are able to provide “excellence for everyone”. Your gifts of time, talent and treasure provide an extraordinary quality of care, more hours of care by our highly experienced staff and, importantly, allows us to care for everyone who needs our services, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay.
Hope Blooms again this year at The Hospice of East Texas! Our annual Brunch and Boutique Shopping Event will benefit and replenish The Matt Clapp Fund. Inspired by the giving heart of Matt Clapp, this designated fund was established by a group of his close friends. Desiring to honor his life’s work and continue sharing God’s message of love that he was so committed to, they gave of their treasure. The Matt Clapp Fund was established in 2021 to support unfunded patient care at HomePlace, our inpatient facility.

the heart of
matt clapp
I’m not sure how you measure the impact a life has on the lives of others, but
Matt’s life impacted those around him so deeply for so long that the effects
are still being felt and will continue to be felt for generations to come. His
stories around a campfire, his calming smile, and his relentless work ethic
all coalesced in such a way as to unmistakably portray Christ to those with
him he interacted, especially the youth he was so deeply invested in seeing
come to a saving knowledge of God. The character, patience, and wisdom he
exuded were a light in the darkness to a generation so desperate for guidance.
He was and is more than a husband, father, brother, rancher, or friend. He is
a Christian hero- a legend in the hearts and minds of so many. They don’t
make them like Matt Clapp anymore, but then again, there will only ever
be one Matt Clapp. He was truly one of a kind.

Ways to give
Thank you for considering a gift to The Hospice of East Texas.
Your gift supports our commitment to provide excellence for everyone – it is a commitment to ensure every patient and family who needs our services will receive them, regardless of their financial circumstances.
Your gift helps to provide approximately $1 million in care to families who either have no insurance or whose coverage did not include hospice benefits. In addition, your generosity makes extensive emotional support available to hospice families and the community.
Your gifts are tax deductible. The Hospice of East Texas and The Hospice of East Texas Foundation are both recognized by the IRS as 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organizations.
All gifts are acknowledged promptly with a thank you letter that also serves as a receipt for tax purposes.